Sustainable software goal
Ensuring KEcoLab Stability: Introducing Dedicated CI-Test
KEcoLab, a tool for measuring software energy consumption, needs robust testing to ensure its functionality after every code change. This blog post presents the work I did in Season of KDE 2024 implementing dedicated test builds using Kate test scripts to achieve this goal.
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KEcoLab in SoK24: Incorporating Energy-Consumption Measurements In The CI/CD Pipeline
KEcoLab Sustainability has been one of three goals at KDE over the past 2 years. One aspect of this goal is to measure the energy consumption of KDE software. To do this, it is necessary to access the lab in KDAB, Berlin, which can now be done remotely using KEcoLab.
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KEcoLab: Remote Energy Measurement Lab
13 June 2023 | Karanjot Singh
Categories: Sustainability, Blauer Engel, Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Software Goal, GSoC'23
Categories: Sustainability, Blauer Engel, Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Software Goal, GSoC'23
In this post I start my journey in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) with KDE Eco by describing progress made on the exciting project of making remote access to the Energy Measurement Lab a reality.