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Choose Linux

We help you put Linux on your computer.

What makes Linux Great?

Linux provides free and open-source software, runs on any computer, and is fast and efficient.

Lots of development by volunteers have made Linux an outstandingly smooth, enjoyable system.

Linux gives control to you, the user. It does what you want it to do, when you want it, how you want it.

Linux is both comfortable and useful.
Free & Open Source Software (FOSS) guarantees transparency and user autonomy, by design. These are not features, but inherent qualities to open development and software licensing. As a result, software and hardware are no longer dependent on vendors for support.

Why should you act now?

Microsoft is ending official support for Windows 10 on October 14, 2025.

Many computers, whether personal or in the office, won't receive further updates or security updates after that date.

Not all computers can update to Windows 11. In case you can't, we want to help you save money and protect the environment, by giving new life to your old computer.

What we offer:

We want to make this transition as smooth as possible for you.

As such, we want to provide you guidance on the choice of the best Linux system for your needs.

Linux is an umbrella term for a diverse set of operating systems (each called a "distribution").

Linux is both comfortable and useful.


Explore the popular, easy-to-navigate, Mac-like GNOME desktop environment that comes with many distributions such as Ubuntu.

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If you want a more Windows-like experience, Linux Mint Cinnamon is our top recommendation. It is easy-to-use, includes all the relevant pieces out-of-the-box, and is pretty and useful.

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Get the best out of your computer with this outstanding collection of software that is world-class state-of-the-art.

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Want to configure things yourself?

Want to configure things yourself?

No problem. Use our recommendation algorithm to find the best distro for you.

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KDE is a world-wide community of software engineers, artists, writers, translators, and creators who are committed to Free Software development. We are a cooperative enterprise: we work together to achieve the common goal of building the world's finest Free & Open Source Software. Everyone is welcome to join and contribute to KDE, including you.

About KDE and KDE Eco

KDE is a world-wide community of software engineers, artists, writers, translators, and creators who are committed to Free Software development. We are a cooperative enterprise: we work together to achieve the common goal of building the world's finest Free & Open Source Software. Everyone is welcome to join and contribute to KDE, including you.

Supported by the KDE community since 2021, KDE Eco has the ongoing mission of the development and adoption of sustainable Free & Open Source Software worldwide. As the ecological impact of digitization grows more relevant, we continue to raise awareness about the role of software design in reducing environmental harm. We are proudly a part of a growing number of communities and organizations working to have a positive ecological impact, today.